I believe that everyone is over the sickness that graced our home the past few days! YEAH! However, that meant that today was a day of playing catch-up! My washer & dryer were running none stop!
They were running a lot during the sickness too! But that was to wash things that had been puked on, or breathed on!
Thankfully, I believe we are caught up or at least as caught up as I'll be with five of us around the house!
I took the kids today to see The Princess and The Frog. It was very cute! It is based in New Orleans and a friend had warned me about the voodoo in it, so I was a little cautious. After watching it, I would have to say that it is no worse than the Wizard of Oz, or any of the Disney magic in the other princess movies. It's just very culture-oriented to New Orleans. Anyways, the kids liked it!
I do have one concern though, Rowan has developed an affinity for the bad guys in TV shows and movies. I'm not sure that he completely understands. It's like he is more concerned with the neat tricks they have. So I've spent the day telling him about how we aren't supposed to like the bad guys. 

This morning the kids and I went and sorted donated items for Haiti. We've collected quite a bit! As I watched the news this evening, my heart continues to break. Seven days have passed since the quake hit, seven days people have been trapped, buried or crushed, but by the grace of God from this point forward will they find anyone alive.
But by the grace of God has anyone survived at all. My heart cries out for the children left with no mommies, for the parents having to bury their young in mass graves, for those in mass graves who will never be identified. My prayer is that God's glory would shine through this tragedy. He promises that He can work in all things and I believe He is already working in this devastation.
The news today reported that limbs are just being amputated off of survivors because of the damage and the lack of medical care needed to fight off infection. A Haitian soldier reportedly said "All of Haiti is broken."
Psalm 33 came to mind to me tonight as I pray for the nation of Haiti:
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
to deliver them from death
and keep them alive in famine.
We wait in hope for the LORD;
he is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD,
even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:19-22
Glad everyone's better!
Our church is collecting things too. So sad!
Prayer and Praise and waiting on the Lord. Glad you aqre all feeling better. Off to work
Glad your gang is all well again. I have had a houseful of sick kiddos this week too.
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