Our church had a Family Fun Night tonight! We rented an entire bowling alley! We bowled, ate pizza, drank pop and had euchre tourneys and prizes!
We invited our friends, Amy and Jason, to come along! It was a blast!
Before we went I was actually able to get my kids to pose for a few pictures! So these are pics of the day!
I would say we had a couple hundred people there tonight! Rowan was more concerned with the car racing video games and the crane game. So much so, that when I told him he couldn't have money, he went into my purse and took some!
He was not all about the consequence of that one! Especially in public! But they had fun bowling with Vinny and Dom, Amy and Jason's kids!

Jourdyn hung out with her friends a couple of lanes away and daddy played in the Euchre tourneys. He didn't win.
Our Pastor is on vacation this weekend, so we had a guest speaker for the day. He's a friend of mine, Don Schiewer. He is on staff at New Harvest Christian church up the road from us and he is founder of Food For Thought. You might remember one of my posts about FFT from why back when, if not read it!
Anyways, Don is a phenomenal speaker. I think what I like best about him is that he is comfortable enough to be himself. In fact, as I watch him, I believe that our teaching styles will resemble each other after I get over the newness of this all. Anyways, he spoke on Genesis 18, on how Abraham and really the Israelites had a tradition of hospitality that the church today has lost. Abraham while praying and meeting with God saw visitors coming and said "God hold that thought. I need to welcome and serve these sojourners." Not in those words, but that's what he did. Abraham didn't just give them a morsel, he gave them a feast. Don's point today was that the Church today promises a feast and barely gives a morsel. We want to be missional, but that means go complete a task, not what's mine is yours and what's yours is yours. He really challenged us to see really live our lives like everything we have is not ours but God's and because of that treat people as equals because they are. They, like us, are sojourners in a foreign land.
Another thing he pointed out and I had not really thought of until today is about Sodom. We all think we know what Sodom's sins were. I'm sure you have a whole list thought out at the simple mention of the city. But Ezekiel says in verse 16:49 "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." WOW! Is that not a snapshot of our culture today?
BUsy about the Lords Business - take time and be a Mary when you get home.
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