Monday, May 31, 2010

Li'l Ed

Nadine and I went to our friend Eddie's graduation yesterday.  Rob and I have been friends with his parents, Ed and Evalee for a long time now.  I remember when Li'l Ed was about 10 years old.  It's nuts.  I was very proud to see him graduate! He's moving on to UT in the fall and is going to be a history teacher. 
After graduation we went back to their house and visited for a while.  Nadine loves going to see Ev! She went running in and I wasn't even in yet and she had found herself a doggy to pick up and love on. 

These guys are part of our family.  There isn't much that we wouldn't do to help them!
An the day wouldn't have been complete without having forced Mandy to take a picture with me!

There is a good reason they call these
ceremonies "commencement exercises."
Graduation is not the end;
it's the beginning.
~Orrin Hatch


James and Sue MacFarlane said...

great family... Nadine has always loved Evalee

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