Sunday, February 7, 2010

Man Vs. Food (365-38)

It's Super Bowl Sunday!!!! For guys that might mean something. Heck for girls it might mean something, but for someone who doesn't watch pro-football, it really doesn't mean anything other than a great party and funny commercials. And really this year I didn't even watch the commercials!
The party was a Man Vs. Food Hamburger party.  It was quite funny the guys were outside deep frying just about anything they could get there hands on - french fries, cheesecake bites, mac n cheese wedges, and much more.  At the same time they the grill going outside and the griddle going inside.  They blew fuses, set off smoke alarms and just all around had a fun night proving how manly they were, in there ability to eat hamburgers as big as my pic of the day! (365-38) I don't even want to count the calories contained in this beast of a burger! It's bun consists of texas toast grilled cheese sandwiches. In between those is two burger patties, a fried egg, bacon, onion, jalapenos, BBQ sauce, and I'm sure much more. We ladies were ready to vomit at the sight of them.
There were no massive heart attacks and it was all done under the supervision of several nurses and an ER doctor!  The ladies hung out with the kids. We chatted and ate somewhat more appealing food creations throughout the evening. 

These are just a couple of the people we journey in life with at this point - Brian, Brandon and Tim.  But I have to give you another picture of Tim because it was just hilarious! He was serious about eating him a beastie burger!  It's amazing how competitive guys can get over food! And how their manliness has to be proven by the amount of food they can intake in one setting! Oh, well! They had fun! We came home at about 8 pm because Rob has to work tonight and the kids have school in the morning. 
I said this yesterday, but it is so great to this journey called life with other people.  We were created to be in relationships! And that just thrills someone like me, because I love people!!!!

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,
but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)


James and Sue MacFarlane said...

What a privelege to live in community (relationships) We had a good get together too. just our people do not relax as a group yet.

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