Friday, October 12, 2007

Boys and their toys!!!!

In our first years of marriage Rob collected Hot Wheels and Johnny Lightning cars - we would have to stop at K-B's just to find cars - we couldn't leave toys r' us without checking out the cars. Well, we have been whiddling down our collections due to lack of room to keep everything. Rob brought out his huge box of cars last night to see if any of them were worth anything on ebay - He left the box out!

Rowan, the inquisitive one this morning discovered a new box in our livingroom - so of course, an investigation was in order. It didn't take much more than him lifting one flap of the box to start yelling "Cars, cars, cars...mama, cars, mama, mama, cars, cars," in between his hilarious laughing. He struck gold!!! And needless to say, I guess ebay's out of the question.


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