Saturday, December 27, 2008

First batch of European Vacation 2001

In March/April 2001, Rob, Jourdyn and I had the opportunity to travel to Europe. Jourdyn adn I spent 31 days there and Rob two weeks. I am going to post some of my pics from the trip on here as I digitize them from their negatives. They will not be in any particular order. I am going to try to keep countries with countries and stuff like that. So you won't have Scotland mixed with Italy. But the order was Spain, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Scotland. These are pictures of part of our trip in Scotland. Really only about two days of the trip. There are tons more to come.

It was in Scotland that we met up with Jack and Maryann (Rob's parents) for the MacQuarrie Family Reunion on the Isle of Mull. We were in Scotland for a total of 12 days.

Click to play Scotland 2001
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