Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Not my possession...

"Most pastors would do well to remember that their ordination is not their possession. It is an authority that the church has loaned to them as a trust to be held with reverence and great humility. Because pastors are permitted, by virtue of their role, very privileged access into people's lives, their intentions must be honorable, their speech and actions respectful. Pastors hold the safety and well-being of the church and its members and are called to make themselves into safe harbors, worthy of the confidence others place in them."

~ Christina Braudaway-Bauman

It is very difficult for me to explain what I have been going through over the past five weeks in my Pastoral Leadership class. It's not so much the class that has disturbed me, as much as the timing of class with what is going on in my life and my church. God has used the class to open my eyes to deal with the reality that I have been avoiding as best as I can for over a year. It has forced me to realize and admit that things have not been right, and not just recently but for a really long time. It has caused me to rehash conversations, moments, actions and discussions in a new light: what a pastor is supposed to be and how she/he is supposed to act/behave.

I sit down to do my class work and I cannot finish it without balling my eyes out for many reasons: for not seeing the reality, for not speaking up about the things that I did see as wrong, for allowing a dear-to-my-heart friendship to be severely damaged, if not lost to protect others, for trusting and just following when red flags were flying left and right, for opening up to people who just really were not who they said they were. I cry for the unknown that lies ahead and I cry because I don't see how God could ever use me to in some way help to mend everything that has been broken. Except to remember that my calling is not my possession it is His and He will be faithful to complete it.


char said...

I'm here for you and I treasure our friendship. Let me know if I can help you thru some struggles you've been going thru lately.

Julie said...

I'm always here for you too, sis! If there's anything I've learned in life, it's because people are fallible, people are going to let you down. Learning how to handle this with grace is a big part of maturing in Christ, and being able to forgive yourself is important too! Love you!

Heather said...

Wow. You are sure not the same Sharon I met 11 years ago. I must say I'm proud to know you and am glad you have come this far. Keep it up, and I'll be praying for you as you continue on this path.

James and Sue MacFarlane said...

None of us should stay the same as christians - we are developing to be in His likeness and see with eyes, heal with hands and draw others to HIm.

TakeShapewithTricia said...

I love what you have shared, and understand (maybe more than you realize) the red flags and sorting that you speak of. My prayers are with you during this process. Know that the Father is in the unknown that lies ahead, and cries for the pain that has been and is yet to come. But the joy will be there on the other side.

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