Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More pastoral insight...

"The era of the 'promised land' is over for the mainline church in America.
Because we have not been faithful, we find ourselves again in the wilderness, or
perhaps in exile. In either case the establishment is collapsing and with
it the predictability, security, and comfort that has allowed us to be at
ease in Zion for several generations. The model of the 'king' is no longer
appropriate for leadership in today's church. We need leadership more akin
to the 'judges' of ancient Israel who arose out of the community in crisis to
lead by the consent of and in concert with the community. And those judges were
selected not because of their caste or class, but their demonstrating the
authenticity and therefore the authority that comes from having attended to the
inward journey with God."

~ Edward A. White, taken from "What Kind of Pastor Will Most Likely Empower Laity?"


James and Sue MacFarlane said...

I am waiting on the great King's return and not looking to the judgement he has for world of lost sinners or my account to Him, but looking for those who are willing to die daily and to go with me on the greatest journey.

Julie said...

Our generations' situation is what it is, and we've just really got to get busy about our Father's business & be an accurate reflection of what we know He is. Praying for us all as we die daily & live for Him.

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