Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Birthday Tea

Nadine was invited to celebrate her birthday with our friend Betty from church, who happens to share the same birthday (just a few years earlier!) All the women and young little ladies in the church with March birthdays were also invited to share in the High Noon tea. Being mom of the little birthday girl, I was able to tag along!

This was Nadine's first tea and boy, was she excited about it! She was able to wear a pretty dress and even a hat. Shh! Don't tell but they even made her punch since she doesn't care much for tea! It was served in her own teapot and cup. She felt very special! And she was able to eat "Rich Lady's Chocolate Squares" a.k.a brownies!!!

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James and Sue MacFarlane said...

Nadine, I wish I could have gone to your tea party. I had a tea set at your age and had tea parties with my dolls and friend. How special to have real people at your tea party.

char said...

O how cute!! I love the big white hat!

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