Friday, May 16, 2008

Narnia - Opening Night

Jourdyn had her girlfriend, Katie come over this evening and we left the two little ones home with Rob. We went to Netty's for dinner and then to see Prince Caspian!!! What an awesome movie! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! The allegory is fantastic! If we could all remember Christ is right here beside us we would change the world!

I 100% recommend the movie. The spiritual content is so tremendous. C.S. Lewis is such a great author. Just for fun here's a piece of a letter he wrote Sept. 27th, 1949.

"The moment one asks oneself "Do I believe?" all belief seems to go. I think this s because one is trying to turn round and look at soemthing which is there to be used and work from--trying to take out one's eyes instead of keeping them in the right place and seeing with them. I find that it happens about other matters as well as faith. In my experience only very robust pleasures will stand the question, "Am I really enjoying this?" Or attention--the moment I begin thinking about my attention (to a book or lecture) I have ipso facto ceased attending. St. Paul speaks of "faith actualized in Love." And "the heart is deceitful": you know better than I how very unreliable introspection is. I should be much more alarmed about your progress if you wrote claiming to be overflowing with Faith, Hope and Charity."


James and Sue MacFarlane said...

Yeh! CS Lewis - he must of read PAul's writings.

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