Thursday, June 18, 2009

Washington, DC

The McQueary's spent a long weekend with friends in Virginia. (I'll post about all that next) On our way home we finally stopped in Washington, DC. I say finally because we have been driving back and forth to Virginia for 10 years and have never stopped off to the Capitol.

So we spent yesterday in our nation's capitol. Seeing that we only spent a day, we headed for the National Mall. Most things in Washington are right off the Mall or at least in walking distance. There are many things that we didn't get to see. It was an abbreviated visited to the city, but fun! We saw the Lincoln and Washington Memorial/Monuments, the reflecting pool, the World War II Memorial, the Vietnam Vets Memorial and the Korea War Vets Memorial. We also visited part of the Smithsonian - the Natural History Museum and the Air & Space Museum. Washington would definitely take at least a week to see it all.

There were a couple of things that I discovered:
1) The reflecting pool isn't always pretty and isn't a pool at all. It has a dirt bottom. And ducks hang out in it. I was thinking a pool, one that you could see the bottom because the water was crystal clear, always blue. But not so much.
2) The names on the Vietnam Memorial are vast and many, but not as big as I thought they would be. Seeing it on TV somehow gave the illusion that they were larger letters than they actually are. And there really are Vietnam Vets there to answer questions and share stories.

I'm sure there are more things. But those are the two things that really were different than I expected. We took lots of pictures so be prepared to watch for a while.

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James and Sue MacFarlane said...

Thanks for all the pix i have only seen at night and we will share with Char and Len when they come since they worked and lived there many years.

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