Thursday, September 24, 2009

In Hiding...

We went out to check on our Caterpillar this morning because last night he wouldn't come out of his jar. They have little hooks on their feet and you can't just lift them up. They grab hold and won't let go. So we put the lid back on and gave him some more leaves to eat and figured we'd try in the morning.

Well, he's not coming out now. He has formed a coccoon with the leaves we gave him and his silk. (Since he's silkworm!) So now we have a resident jar inhabitant for the winter. According to the website we found he will stay like that until spring when he will turn into a beautiful moth with a 6 to 8 inches wingspan. We'll have to watch him closely then because he won't fit in the jar anymore once he comes out!


Heather said...

Very COOL! You have your very own science experiment! See you in a few weeks!

James and Sue MacFarlane said...

wow - God is awesome and so creative

char said...

That's so cool I'd love to do that with my kids.

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