We have two halloween traditions - either the kids and I fly to Derek & Jackie's in Virginia or we go to Grandma McQueary's here in Oregon. This year we stayed home (I'm not crazy - I couldn't handle 3 kids on a plane!)
It was a fun night - the great thing about Grandma's house is the homemade potato soap and hugs. Her neighborhood is a T shape and she's at one end of it - so we just walk the T and come back - this year we didn't even do half of the T and everyone was tired. But that has nothing to do with us saying "run, run, get to the next house!
Nadine this year has the "Trick or treat" and "Thank you" down pat. Rowan however found it much easier to open his bag and say "in the bag" with a nice little head nod so they get the point. It was pretty darn cute!
Oh, and I forgot to mention the first hour was daylight, which isn't normal and also it was 65 degrees - I guess we were in Virginia after all - no it was pretty flat - must of been Ohio.
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