What in the world is a CakeWalk? I didn't know until tonight! Jourdyn's school had their Harvest Festival and CakeWalk this evening. Jourdyn and I went and daddy stayed home with the little ones. The Harvest Festival was games and candy collecting. Jourdyn dressed in her scrubs and was a veterinarian. The CakeWalk is a fundraiser for the music department. You buy tickets (4 for $1 or 25 for $5). We did the $5. So you turn in one ticket at a time - and basically you play music chairs but with a circle made from string with numbered poker chips hanging. You go around until the music stops and then grab a number. There is a caller who draws numbers from a box and if your number is drawn you will a cake. We won 4 cakes! A Chocolate/chocolate, white pumpkin cake, strawberry cheesecake, and brownies. We gave the choco/choco away. My kids don't need that much sugar!

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