It's finally beginning to feel like Fall! Tonight, MOD squad, our care group, went to the Whitehouse Cornmaze at the Butterfly House on Obee Rd. It was pretty neat. We went to dinner at McD's first, and then followed each other out to Whitehouse. Michelle, Teresa, Dan, Lauren, Shanin, Leah, Eric, Julie, Brodie, and our family. It was great. We were all planning to pay $5 because more people were supposed to come but they didn't. However, the guy let us in for that price anyways. (Thanks bunches God for that!)

The kids loved it, especially after dark - they finally got to use their new animal flashlights. They have a rhino and a cow that make noise when turned on and open their mouths to show their lights. They are very cute.
We were very LOST on more than one occassion and we didn't finished the 7.5 mile maze. The maze is made of four mazes each shaped like a part of the butterfly life cycle. We did the Chrysalis and the caterpillar. The kids wore us out! It was a great night and like I said it is finally feeling like Fall here in Ohio.

The kids loved it, especially after dark - they finally got to use their new animal flashlights. They have a rhino and a cow that make noise when turned on and open their mouths to show their lights. They are very cute.
We were very LOST on more than one occassion and we didn't finished the 7.5 mile maze. The maze is made of four mazes each shaped like a part of the butterfly life cycle. We did the Chrysalis and the caterpillar. The kids wore us out! It was a great night and like I said it is finally feeling like Fall here in Ohio.

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