Today is Rob's 33rd birthday (and I thought I was old!) It has been a normal day at the McQueary house. Jourdyn and Nadine had school. Rob went with us to pick up Jourdyn and he took the night off - He's on Midnights this week. He's been helping our new neighbor Jason in his garage as much as he can, so he did that today.

Nadine wrote her name today for the first time! Her and Jourdyn were playing school in her room. JOurdyn has a dri-erase board and was having Nadine mimic letters - she was doing pretty good. So I wrote out her name for her and she copied it. Yeah!!!! She's got two years before kindergarten and if she can write her name now! She will definitely get in!!!!
This is Tatum! My niece! Isn't she cute! She's a Li'l Stinker!!!! 

Happy Birthday Rob!!! Wish we could share a beer... I'll go buy some...and we'll share long distance.
Sharon are my responses coming thru- they all still say 0... and I have responded to them all...
Well, I haven't received comments to all of my posts - and it would help if I know who you are - since you posted as anonymous - tell me who you are and I'll tell you if I've received them - but I have posted all comments I have received.
She's a cute baby. Doesn't it make you feel a little older knowing that she is your GREAT niece! Love your nieces parents. LOL
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