On Friday, a man in New York State was trampled to death because 2000 people had to push their way to the sales at Wal-mart. The doors of the Wal-mart were pretty much torn off the hinges as this crowd pushed their way through not caring that they were climbing over a man.
Okay, now if you don't see what's wrong with this picture then you have a serious issue - I would suggest intense psycho-therapy or perhaps just shooting yourself. Is there really anything in a Walmart (or any store for that matter) that is worth pushing and shoving for, let alone trampling someone to death over?
I haven't watched the news all weekend and this is the story that I woke up to. What are people thinking? Have we completely become a society where we only care about ourselves? A society in which a big screen tv is more important than someone's life? I'm gonna refer you back to my previous posts about Christmas but there has got to be a point that we all say enough's enough.
Here's another one: 2 shot dead at California Toys R us Now this one they aren't saying if it was over a toy or just a gang-related incident. Hello? They were shopping on Friday at a Toys R us. I'm sure they didn't head out that morning with the intent of having a gun fight at the toy store.
I just really do not get it. I do not understand the mentality of many that claim to be part of humankind these days. Maybe that's just it...maybe we've taken ourselves so far off the deep end that parts of us just aren't human anymore. Maybe we've become programmed little machines that resort to violence and hatred to get what we want.
Monday, December 1, 2008
What has our world come to?
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How absolutely right you are - I heard this story on Thursday & felt physically sick to my stomach. There were more people trampled there, including a pregnant woman. (I haven't heard if she miscarried or not, at least not verifiably.) This world is becoming a sick place very rapidly, and it makes me long for Home more every day. People are definitely becoming more fierce as the days go by. This to me is utter insanity. Praying for the family of the slain man & also those injured.
I was at my position at Walmart at 5am to spice a plastic wrap on a tall display of Wii equipment and overstocked HP printers and people did not care that the toppled 4 printers on top of me. I was wall to wall people for about four hours and then they dispersed into other areas of the store. Mankind is selfish and nothing is new under the sun. I just say come quickly Lord!
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