I tend to be the type to trust, to give people a chance, well probably many chances (and some would say many undeserved chances)...each person has to be dealt with as an individual so I will continue to trust people. Love is all about seeing the best in people. It does hurt, it stings right done to the tiniest bone in your body, when those you felt the most trustworthy, aren't. However, I'm not sure that trust is the right word in this scenario...I mean, I don't know if the word trustworthy is right...did they ever prove themselves trustworthy, in some ways, but over the years there are far more many ways they haven't been trustworthy. I (and others) have just placed them on this platter of trustworthiness because of who they are and the position they filled. All too often we forget that we are for the most part all alike. That no matter our status, we are still human. We still breath, sleep, eat, hurt, and feel. No matter our position we still suffer the same faults, illnesses and the same sin. I guess bottom line is that people are human, none better than the other, we are all just trying to make it somewhere and hopefully that somewhere relies on reaching for Christ and letting Him pull us through.
In any walk of life there are times of distress. There are times of brokenness. For Christians, they are bittersweet moments because the reality of them is so heartbreaking, yet ultimately they must draw us nearer to the brokenness of Christ's cross and the healing that flows from His wounds. In the book Resurrecting Excellence, Jones and Armstrong say it this way: "Patterning our lives in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ invites us to discover intersections that we often otherwise turn into false alternatives - youth and age, strength and weakness, joy and suffering, abundance and sacrifice, tragedy and hope, community and solitude, church and world. Churches (Christians) that live in these intersections are likely to manifest a commitment to resurrecting excellence precisely by being shaped by the gospel of Jesus Christ...The letter to the Ephesians describes resurrecting excellence in this way: 'I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God' (3:18-19)."
What they are talking about here is realizing that my life as a Christian, and if you are one, your life as a Christian is about living a life of spirit-filled joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ, that comes from His cross, yet never forgetting the brokenness of humanity. This brokenness is not exclusive, it is humanity. Which is why we must follow that brokenness to the cross of Christ and find the joy that comes from His resurrection. It is in these intersections, that we find that joy...it is comprehending that love of Christ surpasses all knowledge and it is through Him that we will find peace and understanding in the most difficult times of our lives. It is through Him and Him alone that I can count these moments of heartbreak and brokenness as all joy!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Count it all Joy
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That's all well and good but can we as Christians allow others who claim to be go unchecked? Especially when they fall short of what you just described. I don't think so. I think that part of being a decent human, and even more being a Christian is accountability. I gotta say this post feels like a bit of back peddling from your last post. Not that that's a bad thing it means you learned from your last post. But I still feel like if you look no further than what you just posted you will face distrust and will be used over and over again. I for one wont have that in my life. The person you wrote about yesterday needs to be checked but with what you wrote today it seems like you are excusing them. I don't know maybe its just me but that isn't right.
I know this is all really hard on you & will be praying for you! I'm here for you if you need me!
Kyle - I wasn't back peddling...more of explaining how I let it happen to me and how I'm dealing with it...definitely this person or persons need to be held accountable...in fact I was going to knock on a door and say something I probably shouldn't but found out that it is being addressed by higher ups....so I pray that that works...I think that no matter others actions, I am responsible for my own and my reaction to their actions and my point was that my actions when coming out of brokenness and hurt need to turn towards the cross not outwards...
one more thing...if our brokenness and hurt doesn't bring us to the cross and through Christ find healing than the only other alternative is that we become filled with hatred, manipulation and spitefulness that my original post was talking about...
Sharon, I so appreciate your heart! It is painful when we are wounded, let down by those who proclaim the name of the Savior. I know we are all capable of wounding each other, I am not above that. I do think it is important to remain biblical in our dealings with each other, accountability is key. One thing the Lord has been bringing to my mind lately as I get worked up about situations like the one you described is..."what is it to you?" Really, what is it to me if the Lord allows things to be dealt with, or not dealt with in the lives of His children? I have plenty to focus on in my walk with Him. If this doesn't make sense in this reply please let me know, I'd be happy to dialog more about it. I am praying you, and I am here.
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