We have been in our current home for about a year and a half. It seems as if we have been here much longer, but that's it. When we first moved in, I had Rob hang a bird feeder right outside my living room window so we could see the birds from the couch. They never came. This summer I had Rob move that bird feeder to the tree outside my kitchen window and again they never came. We have thousands of birds in our backyard and they never touched the feeder. The other morning I was in the kitchen and I happen to glance out at the brisk weather and lo, and behold, I had a bird. It was a woodpecker. He hung around in the hard winds just blowing and eating. All around him on the branches and on the ground, waiting to feast on his scraps were purple martins. I was quite excited! So here's a picture.

Last night, Jourdyn had her 6th grade band concert. Dad came over and watched the two little ones for me and I headed out to watch Jourdyn play her heart out. Rob is on second shift so he missed it. There are three saxophones in her band. Her and two boys. But, gee, did they make a beautiful sound. She was awesome. The only bad part is that the saxophones are in the very back near the percussion. So I didn't get to watch her just the entire band. They all did a fantastic job and like I said, I could definitely hear her.
Thursday night is my women's ministries Christmas Extravanganza. I am very excited. And it's a lot of work. My friend had surgery today so I was up at 7 am baking all the cookies. I went to the hospital for the surgery and returned at almost 2 o'clock. I spent the afternoon frosting all of the candy cane cookies. Here's the result.

Tomorrow night, I will making 75 other individual desserts for my ladies. I've already rolled 75 sets of silverware and made 75 party favors and much much more. So I have been happily very busy over the past several days.
Yup, that's my sister, always busy, busy, busy! Love ya just the way you are!
Jourdyn's group sounded wonderful! The Cookies looked really good! Boy! u sound busy, busy.
Beautiful cookies. My tree is candy caneed. Wish we could hear on computer.
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