I am sure that you have heard about the Golden Compass! Well, the author is not an atheist. He believes God should be killed and brought down! Worse than an atheist! Well, I was given this link to an article from Christianity Today about the movie. http://www.christianitytoday.com/movies/commentaries/fearnotthecompass.html
I read it and this was my reponse!
"Why as Christians would we want anything to do with "putting God down." or "My books are about killing God." ? The Bible tells us to not conform to this world. And I think this series is a big conformation of the world we are living in.
Our rights as Christians are slowly (and increasing more rapidly) being taken away from us! It is okay to be anything but a Christian! Step onto any one of our great colleges and you will find this rather quickly, even at our Christian colleges its beginning to happen. You really don't even have to do that - Have you been to Wal-Mart lately? "Happy Holidays!" Heaven forbid they say merry Christmas. Christ has been blacklisted! And this movie is just more rhetoric attesting to that.
Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, I am sicken by the suggestion that I should have to bow down to others with differing beliefs! I will not bow down! I will stand for my God, who is the God of all creation, including Pullman! Whether he'd admit it or not! Ephesians 6:10-18 recounts the Armor of God - "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist."
Ephesians 5:11-12 says "have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful to even to mention what the disobedient do in secret." Just before this vs. 6-7 says "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. THEREFORE DO NOT BE PARTNERS WITH THEM."
To not take seriously Pullman's intent in the books by saying he can't do anything to God anyways, opens a door that I'd rather not! or to say it's okay as long as someone explains that its not the truth - who's gonna do that! Parents today don't even pay attention to their kids school work, do we really think they are going to pay attention to the movies the drop their kids off to see?
Maybe the critic and Pullman would say that I am exactly the type of Christian that they are talking about! But there are some lines that I will not cross and to pay money to view a movie that's only intent to extinguish the Christian belief system including God - that's not a line that's the abyss and I'm not going to even drive along side it, let alone jump over it!
I will, like the article said pray for Pullman - but more importantly - I'm gonna pray for the millions (including impressionable young kids) that are going to be fed this hook line and sinker this weekend and beyond. And I'm gonna pray that someone be there in their lives - a Christian - to counteract the damage that this movie will bring to their walk of faith with God."
Apparently, the truth hurts! Because I had "replied to all" on the email and I got hate mail!!!! My first hatemail!!!! The Bible tells us we will be hated for following Him! Also this is just proof that just because it's from a Christian source doesnt' necessarily mean it's biblical! It could just be one Christians opinion, which is the case I see here.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
My First Hatemail!!!!
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I agree with many of your points! I think that you have been blessed with great discernment and wisdom! Hang on to those gifts, cherish them and cultivate them. Love you sis!
thought it was a bad plot but had not read and only have seen previews - prayer and good christains not going to that movie.
Hang in there my sister! I read the article and could appreciate the attitude, but feared the apathy that was present. We don't need to "fear" in the sense that the world fears but we need to be wise and realize that we are losing our freedom to worship, that there is an enemy that desires to destroy us. We also must accept that this book series is a gauntlet that has been laid down, we must respond - prayer, is a powerful weapon and it must be taken up. The author has stated his purpose is to undermine the church and God, we cannot take that lightly. A prayerful, wise response is required. Too many times the church looks like a raving lunatic or a sleeping fool, we must show that we are by the power of Christ alive and well. Now that this book series has been endorsed by Scholastic it will be throughout our schools, that is a huge concern to me. The bible would n't be endorsed by Scholastic, but a book that slanders God and the church is great. How sad!
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