Merry Christmas!
Rowan hasn't come down from his sugar high yesterday! After hours at Grandma's with cookies and rice krispie treats and fudge and more - and NO nap. He finally crashed at about 8:15 and by crash, I mean, screaming at the top of his lungs no stop for really no reason except he was tired and to wired to sleep! He slept solid through the night but has awoken this morning still with an attitude - wanting more fudge, chocolate and candy!
We opened just a couple of gifts this morning. The gifts from mom and Jim and the gifts from John and Barb. Of course, mom and Jim's gifts contained candy canes - and here's what happens when you take it away from Rowan. He wasn't amused!

The kids also gave each other one gift. In a little bit we are going to watch the Disney parade. Melissa and Tom and Izzy are coming over for lunch, as well.
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