Chuck and Charlene invited us to their church's Christmas program tonight! They go to Cedar Creek in Perrysburg. We had never been there before tonight. But have heard a lot about it and met their pastor before. So we went! Plus it was just a night to get to hang out with Chuck and Char and the all the kids! They have 9 and we have 3, so it was lots of kids! Tim Hartman, our brother-in-law, went as well, the Chuck/Char's kids go to his youth group. It was great!
A lot of Trans-Siberian Orchestra music! Awesome musicians, lights, message, etc. It was just wonderful! They give out free pop, coffee, hot chocolate! Needless to say, I spent most of the service having to pee - really bad!

Afterwards, we went to East of Chicago pizza for their buffet. I hadn't been to East of Chicago's since, I believe, high school.
I haven't told Chuck and Char but I am so proud to call them my friends! They are awesome people! And I am so glad to call them my brother and sister now!!!!! It's always great to know that your friends are friends for eternity!!!! I love 'em!
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