Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Katie & Trevor (365-57)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Fairlane Mall (365-56)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Catch up (365-54 & 365-55)
Daddy would like to get him on the ice to see how he handles ice skating, so he can play hockey!
Nadine, the drama queen that she is, of course, fell a lot just for the attention of it. But she did well too!

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Cedar Creek (365-51)

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Apologies (365-49)

Rob is beginning the same diet that I am on. Today will be his first restrictive day. He's really not looking forward to it. It will be nice to cook for two instead of one, when I make the food.
My pic of the day is Rowan. Jourdyn took this with my cell phone from the back seat of the van. But I thought it's cute!
I have been standing right around 10 lbs for several days. Yesterday, I broke that barrier again and even went beyond it by .2, however today I gained that .2 back because I used baby powder yesterday in abundance, which is starch. Yes, our skin absorbs things and whether its fats/oils in lotions, starches in powders, or whatever it can throw off the weight loss program. Amazing, eh? So I am right at 10 lbs lost. And I'm not complaining!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Busy Weekend
Rob and I sorted all the Girl Scout cookies and they have all been picked up! So my kitchen and dining room are looking like they are getting back to normal.
These are some pictures from the Couples Valentine's Dinner that I put together. My friends, Larry and Evelyn shared their story with us. It was really good! I firmly believe that we are required to share our stories as part of the Gospel. The Gospel is incomplete without us. I think Paul in I Corinthians highlights this wonderfully. I Corinthians 15, verses 3-4 contained the meat of the Gospel message and it is no mistake that Paul points out that what he is telling them is something he learned himself. In fact, if you read through verse 11, you'll see Paul tell a brief synopsis of his life story. Storytelling is how the OT was passed down for generation to generation. Storytelling is a part of our lives! It is a part of our life in Christ!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
CookieTime (365-44)
Last night and today were filled with tempation. We had a Girls Night Out last night at Traci's house. It smelled so wonderful, however, I have no clue how it tasted because I was good and didn't touch a thing!
Today I picked up all these cookies, then picked up the cupcakes for the event I had this evening. And to top it off spent the evening at the Spaghetti Warehouse. I did this all without touching a thing! I took apples to snack on at the restaruant. It was a great night. And I am very proud of myself for not cracking under pressure!
Ronda and I planned our Valentine's Dinner & A Story! It was fantastic. We share a dinner together and then on couple shared their story with the group! We gave out awesome doorprizes and lots of laughs together!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Variety (365-43)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Being a Timothy...

So I've been reading this book, 11 Indispensable relationships you can't be without, by Leonard Sweet. I would recommend this book to anyone! It is life-changing. I've been crying a lot, praying and asking God just really what am I supposed to do. Why are my feelings and experiences not being validated? Am I wrong for feeling this way? Well, like a message from God Himself, I read these words last night.
This is all in reference to the relationship between Paul and Timothy in the New Testament. Sweet is saying that we all need to be a Timothy, an apprentice to someone, and that we all need to have a Timothy. In reading this, what I have realized is that the people that I've needed the most have not been a Paul to me, for some reasons in their control and for some not in their control. It is really like I have not existed. I've been a Timothy, an apprentice, with no Paul or opportunities to find my song, for my strings to be played.
"What Timothys need most is 'sounding boards." Superstring physics defines matter very simply: You and I are 'vibrating strings of energy.' We are string instruments...sounding boards by nature. Life plays those strings, and the notes of life are your thoughts and emotions. That's the danger of holding things in and keeping the notes to yourself. Those notes have to burst forth in song, and if they don't burst forth in song, they burst forth and explode in destructive ways.
Neglected strings break when finally played. Some people never get the opportunity to play their we medicate our numbness rather than play the song we've been given. The process of being a Timothy is a gradual revelation of the song your life is composing...that one-of-a-kind, unrepeatable, irreplaceable song that only you can sing. But Timothys need sounding boards to find their songs.
Remember the Winnie the Pooh story about losing his song? He gets his friends to go on the hunt for his song and then he finds that his song is within him. Too many Timothys are being told to 'play the part' of corporate Christendom: Sing all six verses from the hymnal.
Instead, the song of the gospel is a ballad of daring, mold-breaking, lie-rejecting, life-giving dissonance. Holy dissonance."
Now you'd have to read the book to understand that Timothy is just one of the eleven indispensible relationships that we must have. But I would be testimony to the necessity of having that Paul/Timothy relationship in your life. And please don't misunderstand. I do have Paul's in my life. I have caring people who encourage and mentor me. However, there are those people that I need within leadership, both local and district, that just haven't been there.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Snow Day
I put a ticker at the bottom of the page for updates on my progress. I feel really good! I didn't think I would feel this great. Being only my second day of the restrictive diet, I didn't expect to be full when eating my lunch and dinner!
Lunch: 3 oz of chicken breast with Franks Red Hot, about a cup of cabbage (boiled w/salt & pepper), 1 melba toast and 1 cup of organic strawberries, sliced with Stevia to sweeten them.
Dinner: I got a little creative! 3 oz of chicken breast boiled, 1 1/2 chicken broth boiled with a cup of celery, salt & pepper. So it was chicken noodle soup minus the noodles and onions. I chose to stick with my strawberries for dinner as well, since they were so good! And of course, my one piece of melba toast.
I've discovered that I like organic green tea. I don't like Lipton Green Tea in the bottle, so I was hesitant to try hot green tea. But it's great! I'm learning to drink my coffee nearly black, instead of nearly white. And I'm wondering what I ever did without Stevia.
Jourdyn has been hovering over my meals, wanting to eat what she can of them. Right now, I am cooking and eating before I cook and feed my family. I think this is the best way. I am one of those eat what's in front of you type of girls and I know if I wasn't already full, I would be licking my fingers, sneaking bites of no-no foods! So this is working for now!
I was excited to see that I have lost 3.4 lbs already! YEAH!!!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!
Monday, February 8, 2010
First Meal (365-39)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Man Vs. Food (365-38)

There were no massive heart attacks and it was all done under the supervision of several nurses and an ER doctor! The ladies hung out with the kids. We chatted and ate somewhat more appealing food creations throughout the evening.
Lifeline Community Dinner - February (365-37)
This evening was the February Lifeline Community Dinner at the North's home. My pic of the day is a picture of their house as we left. Rob wasn't able to go this time, so I rode along with Char and a couple of her kids. The food theme was italiano! It was good!!!
It is indescribible to be in a place of community, a place where you feel as if you are part of something bigger than yourself, a place where everyone's passion is about loving others, justice and equality in God's eyes. I can't explain it but as you begin to talk to someone you've never met, it's only minutes before you feel as if you've known them for years. The North's are truly people who can from all I've seen say, believe, and live out the reality that nothing that we have is ours; it's God's.
A couple of guys came and played music. I was able to videotape one song, but the audio isn't very good for some reason. I apologize. The little boy in the video is Chance! He's such a cutie. He was opening the door for everyone and showing them where to put their coats. He is going to make an excellent greeter one day! Heck, he's great now!!!
Make a Smilebox collage |
Friday, February 5, 2010
A Journey to a better me...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Nadine's new look (365-35)
Well, it's been a long time coming, and today was the day! After school we took Nadine to the salon and had her hair cut! We were going to go with a pixie cut, but the stylist thought she was too blonde for that. We may still if we end up not liking this cut, but it is adorable and it makes a great pic of the day!
Hope Community hosted the District Sunday School Teacher's Appreciation dinner this evening, being that I am a Sunday School teacher, Rob and I were invited to the event. It was catered by Spaghetti Warehouse and we had cheesecake for dessert! Our teens served us our meals and cleared our tables. They also performed for us. They are going to BLAST in March and hoping that this performance will take them all the way to regionals in June. Jourdyn is a part of this, although it's impossible to tell who she is. (She makes part of the U and the L!)
This was choreographed by one of our teens, Alex and one of our college kids, Ana! It's phenomenal!
The keynote speaker this evening was Rick Harvey, a pastor from Cincinnati. Rick spoke about the most important things in our lives. When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was He responded "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
We try to make our journey so tough these days. We add clutter and we frankly tend to be self-absorbed. God never intended it to be that way. The most important thing to Him, really the only thing that ultimately matters is loving God (being in relationship with Him) and loving others the same way we love ourselves (being in relationship with others.) It's not the loving others that gets us. It's the loving others the same way we love ourselves that's hard. We take care of ourselves. We make sure we are fed and clothed, that we have the latest and greatest things, that all our needs are met. Yet when it comes to others we most often give them our scraps. For example, hearing about a need for food, and instead of giving the same we would eat, we clean out our pantries and give the things that we've refused to eat. (Sometimes things that are expired, but hey, if they're really hungry they'll eat it)
The greatest commandment is love God. The second greatest is to love others. That's it, yet we get so caught up in the things that Jesus himself didn't care to count as the most important.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What's up with kids today...
Picture: 365-34, Rowan's funny faces. Rowan is quite a goofy boy! He can be a ham if he wants to be.
This afternoon as I was doing my Bible study (beginning a new one Breaking Free by Beth Moore) I heard a bunch of noise. At first I thought it was just the neighbor kids, but then I got up to see why it was so loud. There were about 20-30 teenagers in my neighbors backyard with video cameras and cell phones recording a fight.
I called 911, however, someone in the backyard had come out to the front yard and flagged down a cop already. The police came and the onlookers scattered. Apparently they told the cops it was a UFC type fight, not a real fight. However, it was a real fight and planned all day long at school.
Rob went out and told them to stop and they were idiots, since we live 200 feet from the police station. He also asked them if they realize that they would all be held accountible if something happened to one of the boys and they videotaped and egged it on instead of stopping it. None of them cared.
It is just ridiculous. I don't want my kids to grow up in a world, where there is no respect for life or for each other. One of our nieces, a sophomore was out there egging this thing on, in fact it was her boyfriend or her friends boyfriend doing the fighting. I don't get it. I suppose I never will.
Idaho Trip Pictures
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
It was a great four days in Idaho! I am glad to be home, but also sad at the same time that our time there couldn't have been longer. It was great to have my sister and nephew out there with me. We haven't been together as a family like that in a really long time. In fact it has been nearly four years since we were all together.
Jim is doing good, relatively speaking. I praise God that we were able to venture out for this trip. It was definitely needed and I suppose somewhat therapeutic for Jim to have his daughters out there and other grandkids.
There are lots of pictures. Mostly people shots. Not too much scenery. I cannot wait until our visit in May.