My friend, Kyle gave us some tickets to go see Battery: a Metallica Tribute Band on Friday night at The Omni (formerly Gatorz). So after a long week of Rowan being sick and whiny, we had a night out. We got a babysitter for the two young ones (Jourdyn is away at Fall Retreat with church). We took our friend Jason with us and Julie met us there.
Metallica was huge when I was in Junior High and High school. I had many a friend that loved them and I did too! Rob commented when we got to the Omni (which is on a college campus) that you could tell how old the band playing is by the type of cars in the parking lot. About every other car was either a mini-van or an SUV. There were maybe a handful of college-aged kids there. The rest of us were overweight suburban has-beens out to relive our glory days with a tribute band! I believe at least one even brought their teenage son with them. Another way you could tell everyone there was old - at a Metallica concert back in the day, all these people you see standing around in the picture above, would have been in a mash pit, guys and girls headbanging and sitting on each others shoulders with the girls flashing the band. But no, they all just stood there watching.
Saturday, we just stayed home all day. At about 4:30 Nadine comes running into the livingroom. "It's snowing! It's snowing!" She was very excited! Jumping up and down and screaming about it. Give her time, she'll grow to loath it, like most of us! Snow? In November? These flakes were huge probably at least an inch to an inch and a half in diameter. I took a picture but it's not the greatest. 
OK. I'm back online & can start reading & posting again. Thanks again for the invite Friday, it was nice to just get out of the house & do something. Sorry I missed your call yesterday, I think AT & T's service out here may be a little more flaky than Verizon's. TTYS - love you all & kiss the kids for me!
How FUN! That's kind of how it was when we went to Poision. Did you have fun at Cedar Creek last night? I'm on my way real soon. Monkey party went real good! Michael had fun playing with Ronny and Daisy. I'll have the pics and video up soon.
I'm glad you had fun. It would have been different had I been there. I need a good thrash so I would have started a mosh pit... maybe. If I get anything else I'll let you know.
Hey - can you send me the link to Jourdy's blog? I didn't have it written down anywhere & now I can't find it or get it to come up! THX!
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