Today I was watching Cities of the Underworld. It was about Las Vegas. Well, Nadine kept asking me if it was gonna be scary because there were monsters in it. I just responded with "No there's no monsters in this." And she kept saying, "I know they said there was monsters, I know I heard it." Come to find out what she heard was "mobsters." We figured this out after about 15 minutes when they said the word mobsters. I then had to explain to her the difference between monsters and mobsters, which had I given her the long explanation there wouldn't of been much of a difference.
A little later, she says "Mommy, I wanna watch mumbo. Let's watch mumbo." I was completely baffled. So I said, "What's mumbo?" She says, "The junior elephant." duh, (light bulb goes on) she meant "Dumbo!" So again I found myself explaining why his name was Dumbo and not Mumbo. Luckily she is learning her alphabet so it was easy to show her it starts with a "D" not an "M."
Rowan has a remote control car that Evalee gave him. Now he's never played with it because it's missing the battery and we haven't made it to Radio shack to buy a new one. But Rowan knows where it is and is constantly asking for it. Well, the other day he got his hands on the control for it. Rob took it away and put it on top of my china cabinet. Today, Rowan starts yelling to me that he wants his "troll." I'm thinking I don't have any naked wild-haired toys with a jewel in the belly around here, so what is he talking about. He wouldn't give up. So finally I said, "Show me." He takes me to the china cabinet and says "I want my troll, I want my troll, its up there." Of course, I'm short so I can't see it and frankily I'm wondering how my two year old knows it's there, because I know if I can't see, he can't either. But he's smart and he remembered where his daddy put it. So he has been running around today carrying his "troll" for the truck that he knows is in the garage because it needs batteries. He has also been searching my house for batteries. He knows where we keep them. So he shows them to me and says "Get my truck!" He doesn't understand it's not that kind of battery. He even took his batteries out of his flashlight for me to put in his truck.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Kids say the funniest things...
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Mobsters and Monsters, Troll dolls and remote CONtrolls, how do you keep it all straight? Im not sure I could handle it...
Kids are fun to watch and grow and you never will be board. We love you all - keep up the info on dayd to day
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