Jourdyn participates in Children's Quizzing at our church. Today was their first quiz meet of the year. And, boy, did all of the kids do a great job! Especially Jourdyn! Here's some pics of her today. They have practice once a week on Sundays. And then they have about 3 meets per year and then it's on to district. There was one question today that we kind of objected to the wording of it. It was "What did Noah take on the ark with him? A) Every wild animal and all livestock B) Every Bird C) 2 of all things with living souls or D) all of the above." Jourdyn answered C which I believe is right. But their answer was D because the Bible says that he took "Every wild animal according to it's kind..." That is not what the question says, the question appears that every single animal in the world got on that ark and they didn't. 
So anyways, nothing changed - she got it wrong. This is only practice for the invitationals anyways, so she wasn't too frustrated with it.
In the picture above are her friends, Madelene (not spelled right), then Paige, Jourdyn and Katie. She spent the night last night with Paige and has spent the day with Katie today.
They are coming into that age where three's a crowd and they are all feeling very torn between each other. Oh...the preteen years! God help me!!!! :)
Go Jourdyn!! Go!!! Grandpa agrees - you should have got that one right...
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