So my week has ended with an ER visit for Rowan. Nadine let him out of his high chair this morning. He immediately headed for the bathroom. He opened the door, reached in and grabbed a razor. One of those triple blade razors! And OUCH!!!!!
His right hand middle finger and ring finger were lacerated! Pretty good too! Being fingertip wounds they bled incessantly. We called the doc's office. They said go to the ER to have it surgibonded.
So we did. It was off to St. Charles. We weren't there very long. The nurse cleaned out the cuts and the doctor dermabonded his fingers.
This picture isn't very good - there are two cuts on each finger. The middle finger is the worst. The skin between the two cuts was just hanging by a thread. It was the bad bleeder.
Rowan is so precious though! Even at only 22 months, he kinda had that "ah, man, it's all good, just a battle scar" attitude. He, of course, didn't appreciate being held down to have them glued but other than that, he did very well!
I am learning more and more everyday just how different from the girls he is.
The girls would have been screaming hysterically. Rowan just cried for a few moments when it happened. Then we where playing with it to see the damage.
The girls don't even care about what's in the bathroom drawers. Rowan thinks that any drawer is his business, especially if there is something he can take apart in it. (Like tampons - he thinks they're dynamite or something!)
The girls for the most part don't want anything to do with the vacuum cleaner or household mechanical things. Rowan stands in front of the vacuum to wait for his feet to be suctioned. And laughs.
The girls ask for dvd's and tv stuff to be done for them. Rowan says get out of my way, I know how to do it.
He is mechanically oriented, it's amazing! If it can be taken apart - he does it. If it can be plugged in - he does it (even if it's not supposed to be plugged in - he's learning though!)
Friday, January 11, 2008
ER Visit
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Ouch! Yep - boys are different from girls for sure! They are just as precious, though! Get used to it, mom, I'm sure there'll be many more ER visits! (Read Acts 28 when you have a moment to yourself!) Give Rowan extra hugs and kisses for Aunt Julie today!
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