Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Toad-ally cool!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Not too much...

Friday, June 25, 2010
A morning at the zoo...
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Monday, June 21, 2010
Stand Firm
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I need you like a...
Back at the beginning of the year, I wrote about my need to recognize open and closed doors and to be willing to accept what they are.
What I've been doing for several years is realizing that I need to make a change. I'm good at knowing that something needs to change. What I'm not good at is trusting God for that change. There has been progression though. At first, when I knew this change needed to happen, I talked myself into all the reasons I couldn't or wouldn't make that change and I didn't make it. Then I moved up to "Okay, I know the change needs to happen, but I can't just do it, I need to have a new plan." And I stayed in the comfort zone and made what right now look like the wrong plans as a way of escape.
The sad part is that when I avoid this change I end up right back at this place of complete craziness. Well, just crushed. So now I'm praying that God would give me the strength and courage to just make the change with no 'back-up' plan or no safety-net...but to just trust Him. Not knowing what tomorrow will bring or next week or next year, but just getting back to focusing on Him and Him alone and allowing Him to give Him control.
This is a hard thing for me...very hard. I'm quite terrified. So these songs have become my prayers over the past month or so...the first is about God tearing down my pride and fear...the second about Him just wrapping me in His loving arms and bringing me to the point of complete trust in Him...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cherries & Snakes...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Picking up the broken pieces...
We've begun to pick of the pieces. The pieces left after the piles are gone. Please pray for me. I can't even begin to explain what's happened to me or the weight that has finally crashed down on me, but like us picking up these pieces, I need God to pick up my pieces...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Red Door
So I've been told by friends that our red door has made national news...I can't find it anywhere other than Sandusky Register but hey, I believe them. Here's the story of the red door.
Rob and I were the first on the scene yesterday morning. Towards the middle of the pile of rubble we found the front door. It didn't have things laying on it and there was nothing but mud and dirt below it. The storm tore off the whole front piece that held the door. The door was intact in its frame, which was inside the wall that it was originally on. It was just about 100-200 ft away from where it should have been, lying face down. The glass was broken and there was a little damage, but the door was the only part of the house that was whole. Every other piece of the farm house was destroyed and yet the door remained.
I, immediately told Rob to get it up. He wasn't sure why. So I explained that it was the one thing that remained in it's entirety and it shouldn't be broken by people walking on it. He found some stuff to pull it off the hinges, removed the door and laid it near the front porch, out of the way. I've always loved the door. Before we moved in in Dec 2005, it was white. I'm a colorful person and a white door on a white house just wasn't doing it for me. It needed painted, so I figured what the heck! Red it is!
My mother-in-law (it was her home, we just lived there for a couple of years) wasn't as fond of the red as I was, but she just said she would paint it later if it didn't grow on her. It must of grew on her because the red door is still red.
By the end of the night on Sunday, I'm not sure which brother had the idea but the door was lifted from the ground and raised to the porch, propped up and became a symbol of memories, a reminder of the home that once stood there. We even posed for pictures as a family in front of the front door and were able to smile in the midst of tragedy.
I can't find my pictures of the home when we lived in it. I found interior but not exterior pictures. I know I have them somewhere, but I just can't find them.
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Yesterday, the family spent the day trying to salvage anything and sadly very few things were left to be salvaged at all. We found a few photos and letters from Rob's grandmother, some of her china and those thing seem to make the search worth it. After awhile we just began making piles of twisted scrap metal to take to scrap and wood that could be burnt.
Brandon and Bethany came out to help us. We were all struck with where do we even begin. I can't imagine being a family that actually lived in a home that this happened to. To have your current life scattered for as far as the eye can see. The things we lost were so insignicant to the lives that were lost!
For my mother-in-law, I imagine she spent the night crying and beginning another mourning process over Jack. This was his childhood home. For Rob, he lost a childhood dream. His 64 1/2 Mustang was in the garage out there that is now a cement slab. He and Jack bought the car when he was 15 with dreams of restoring her. They never got around to it. For four years Rob and I have discussed and really thought about what to do with the car. It's hard to let go of a dream. It's not the car, it's the plans, it's his dad. The car now sits in the field. They are going to try to get her today.
Through it all, all the destruction, we found 4 baby possom's scattered through the yard and field. We know there are more but we can't find them, we only here them. When I heard the first one, the sound was very strange and all I could think is that it was someone's dog, so we started looking. I am calling Nature's Nursery to see if they can take them.
This morning though our family is thanking God that we are all safe.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
They're Here.....
The good news: they have a 24 hour life span! They come out of the water, mate, eat and die because they can't poop! They have no anus!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Spring Recital
Jourdyn has been working hard for another year! She's finishe up the school year with her spring piano recital! She memorized "Here I am to Worship." I had her take her book just in case, and she misunderstood me and played from it. It messed her up a bit. However, she still did beautifully! I am so proud of her.
She definitely has the gift of music. We are contemplating a change in venue for her lessons. We love her teacher, but it seems that Jourdyn is in a funk with piano and saxophone. Just very bored and annoyed with having to play. We are wondering if a change will relight a flame in her. I don't know. Of course, we know that this is the age that kids do this "I don't want to do anything" stage. We've been encouraged to just keep pushing her. When kids quit at this age, they usually never pick music back up! So we are keeping at her and just trying to debate what the next step is for her.
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Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Kindergarten has ended...
I'm very thankful for her teacher this year. She has been fantastic! I'm excited about next years adventure in Bible Quizzing, since first grade is the year she can begin that.
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For Memorial Day we had friends and family over. It rained all day but we did get a couple of games of cornhole in and the kids didn't mind the sprinkles too much! I didn't take many pictures of the day. It was fun. This Memorial Day was a little bittersweet. Well, really all of them are. This year Memorial Day fell on what would have been my father-in-law Jack's birthday. When he was with us, Memorial Day weekend was always a huge thing. He was a Navy veteran and very proud of his country and our military. But it was also a celebration of his birthday. I believe this is the first year since his death that Memorial day has fallen on his birthday! He is truly missed!