Rob told me that he contemplated knocking it down this weekend, but he didn't because he knew that Nadine and Rowan would tell on him and mommy would be mad.
He was right! If it was the stinkin' black birds I wouldn't have been, but she is a robin. So she can stay!
I was very excited to play softball this year. We got the schedule and found out that our team plays majoratively 9 pm games through the season. I can't do that with the kids, so I'm not playing or I will be playing on Crystie's team. Last year she played with us. This year are league was able to squeeze the Alliance chapel into the schedule, so she will have her own team.
We have birds that nest just like that, but in the back of the house. I love seeing the chicks popping out and chirping for food.
Mest are hard to find in the pines but have a few robins and many squirrels
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