not only for Jourdyn and I to head out. But also for Rowan to finally be big enough to fight back! We've been telling Nadine for three years now when she gets pushy and bossy, "Don't keep messin' with your brother, there's going to come a day that he is bigger than you and will kick your butt." Yesterday was that day. Except he didn't kick her butt, he bit her face!
Luckily, he didn't break the skin but he dug in pretty deep. He got ahold of her cheek really good. There was a full dental impression. Thankfully her face didn't bruise as badly as we thought it would. She was trying to take something from him and drag him to the other room and apparently he didn't want to go. So we had some time outs and "I'm sorry's" with big hugs on both ends. 
Jourdyn and I are flying out of Detroit tonight at 8 pm. We will arrive in Orlando at 10:35 pm. We head home early Sunday morning. I have a Women's Ministries Consortium first thing tomorrow morning and then the rest of the day to hang out at the hotel pool! I will definitely keep you updated during the Assembly.
Nadine - I had brothers - they are tough. Treat people how you want to be treated and they will treat you nice. Use your words nicely to win arguements xoxox
Nadine & Rowan,
We all need to work together to get along. The important thing to remember always is that we are a family and we love each other. If you remember this, it's much easier to get along. Our words are important, especially to each other in our family. We can talk about things & work them out, in just about every situation! Love you both very much!
Aunt Julie
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