After a few years of waiting, I finally yesterday was able to go to the Ministerial Studies board for my local ministers license. I was very excited to finally have something moving me forward. I had really no clue what to expect because no one has really told me the whole process and what to expect. I had to scramble to get all my stuff in to the coordinator just to have this meeting this year. So the first part was with that coordinator, Chuck. There were a couple of inconsistencies in the transferring of my credits from school to the Studies board. We are working right now to resolve those. I also found out two things: 1) I have to apply for my district license, this meeting was only to maintain my local license and 2) I could have applied for it last year if everything had been done right back then. Because I didn't know any of this, I also didn't get to apply for it this year. God was there. He guided our conversations so that this would come to light and He guided Chuck to ask if there was any way to squeeze me in to the District interviews that were also happening yesterday and very packed with applicants.
I also discovered a couple of more qualifications that I have to meet. I have to hold a full-time staff position for four years or a lead pastor position for 3 years before I can be ordained. However, Chuck (a pastor) confirmed with me that most pastors will not hire me until I have my district license. Realizing the turmoil this whole process has been for me, he was able to get District License Board to squeeze me in. I filled out an application on the spot and interviewed immediately. God really blessed me in that. I didn't have any clue what I was going to be doing down there in Lima yesterday, and those on that board had no clue that I was there, but God did and He opened the doors. Praise be to Him!
The interview wasn't as hard as I thought, and I did it completely impromptu. I really felt at peace in the room with them. And I know why. Before I got to meet with them I had to go do what I actually had come for - my meeting with the Ministerial Studies board. This meeting was also a God stop. I felt God sitting beside me. We talked about what my call is and what it's not. We talked briefly about my schooling and where I see myself going.
One of the pastors on this board was a woman, Claire. She is a pastor in Southern Ohio. I was throughout the interview very conscience of the fact that she didn't speak, she only watched. I was a little intimidated, but continued to be myself. When she finally did speak she said a couple of things. One she confirmed with me that I cannot take a ministry position just to take one. I have to know what God has called me to do and not waver from it. She explained a little more in depth and discussed the idea of being a woman pastor and being pigeonholed into certain positions within the church. Secondly, she pegged me dead on. She said "Sharon, I'm watching you and hearing you and what I am seeing is that more than anything you are fearful. You know what God is asking you, what you are supposed to do, and you're just scared." Up until that point, I held my composure. She got up and hugged me, said some more encouraging words and offered me the opportunity to come to her church and preach a couple of times.
I'm praying about it. And it does scare me. Do you know what the most frequent command in the Bible is? Do not be afraid! I know what God has called me to do and I need to not be afraid. He called me. He knows me. And He's still willing to use me! I have to just not be afraid and obey. So if you want to pray for me, pray that I will not be afraid!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
God-stops and blessings...
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Wow! that is so awesome how everything came together for u. r u going to go speak at that womens church? That would be so cool to see. It looks like your gettting push in the right direction now.
Great meeting and sure God is in COntrol. Fear is great tool of satan.. Step out in faith and God will battle him.
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