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Well, today was District Quiz. Jourdyn and I headed down early this morning to St. Mary's for the District Quiz Meet. She did a fantastic job! She took 5th place and has qualified for Regionals in May and World in June. Regionals are in Mt. Vernon and World is in Orlando. She can go to both or she can just go to one. We have put an additional requirement on her, however. If she wants to go to World she is going to have to go to Regionals and do her best. She must place there or we are not going to spend the money to go to World. If we make it to World than it will be most likely just Jourdyn and I. But we'll see what happens!
While Jourdyn and I were gone, Rob and dad took Rowan and Nadine to the Shriner's Circus at the Seagate Centre. They had fun! Rowan fell asleep after the first act. He saw the lions and all the pre-circus hoopla and that was it!

We went to the circus on Friday. I can't believe Rowan fell asleep during a circus that's funny!
Whoo-hoo Jourdyn! It's almost your birthday! LOL! Talk to you soon!
Nadine and Rowan got to go to a circus.. How neat! I always wanted to be a trapeze person.. HaHa - Maybe in my younger years...
Did they have real elephants? What did you like Nadine? Rowan did you know that the curcus uses "bob's" in the back to help load and unload food for the animals and bundles of other materials... Love ya
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