Okay, so it's 6th grade! What part of these three things do not fit in...apparently all of them do!
Let's start with the haircut. I thought that cutting your own hair was a phase that ended at like 7 years old. However, when I awoke this morning Jourdyn was acting quite strange. She was walking around the house holding her hair forward as if she was cousin it. She went to put in earrings and did it faced in a corner so I couldn't see her face. Well, she couldn't get them in. So I had to help and when I did...what should I discover but her bangs being less than an inch long.
It's not the first time...she does this whenever they get to long and she can't stand them. Instead of asking me to cut them because I would willingly. In fact, it's quite often on of my threats, "Jourdyn get your hair out of your face or I am going to cut it!" So now for a month or two she will be walking around with insanely short bangs and when they grow out, she will be getting her hair cut into a short style.
So on to dances: When we were in Junior High there were no dances. Dances were a privilege of being in high school. Freshman homecoming was the biggest event ever until prom. But nowadays, sixth grade has dances. Tonight would have been her first. However, she isn't going she has an ear infection or something so we are heading to the doctors. But I told Rob yesterday that she would not be attending these dances unless I was chaperoning them. He was a little taken back and said, "Honey, what's gonna happen. If it's anything like our dances, the girls will be on one side of the gym and the boys on the other."
Here's the thing: IT IS NOTHING LIKE OUR DANCES!!! It is almost nothing to walk into a Junior High and find a pregnant girl...if not pregnant at least sexually active or seriously contemplating becoming so. Our world has completely changed and all values are out the window. Kids today don't see anything wrong with having sex or making out with boys. It's the cool thing to do. When I was that age, we at least were subconscious about it...we knew it was wrong. Today, not the case, girls are having boyfriends, like dating so young. Not just the pass notes in class boyfriend. There are big things to be scared about with school dances. We can't just keep thinking that things were the same as when we grew up because they aren't!!!
And onto hormones!!! I don't think I need to say more than it is hormones that are raging in Jourdyn and of course giving her the attitude from hell about anything I have to say these days! And she's only 11!!! God help me!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Dances, Haircuts and hormones...
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I don't blame you on the dance part, you are so right, because it's not just 6th graders at those dances either.. you have the 8th graders too, and maybe ones who are supposed to be in 9th. I've seen the pregnant 12 year olds. Sad. You stand for what you believe in and try your best to help her understand why, and she will fight you on those matters and restrictions.
I'm praying for you both! At the concert last night, we had a row of tweens/ early teens in front of us, and I was thanking the Lord that I don't have a girl. But then I started thinking & I do have a niece, whom I love very much, and I have a sister who needs all the support I can give her. I'm here for you both, whatever you need. I love you & know the next few years will not be easy, but have faith in you & the Lord that it will all work itself out in time. Love you very much!
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