It's Friday the weekend is here! I have been anxiously awaiting my final grade for my last class - Christian Theology. I thought for sure that I had lost my opportunity to earn an A because none of my papers were ever higher than a B. However, I received my final grade today and I got an A-!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!! My final paper was on defining and subsequently serving "the least of these" in Matthew 25:31-46. I titled it "And The Greatest of These is Love" (let me know if the link works)
I am very much a geek! I need to have the A in a class! So I was pretty much devastated by the realization that it would be an act of God for me to pull one off in this class!!! Well, God showed up and worked it out for me!!! Isn't He awesome?
Not a Dissapointment
13 hours ago
When you are looking at these different philosophies remember to use common sense and logic. It's not complicated or contradictory.
Actually, we didn't focus on any one denominations/persons theology. The authors were anything from Catholics to Calvinist to Lutherans to Wesley...and even philosophers who weren't techinically religious scholars. It was a well-rounded class - just hard because these people tend to write over the heads of most people...they take ten pages to explain something that could have easily been said in two sentences.
A - yeh! Focus on God!!!! Love you HAppy Mother's Day will call
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