Not the greatest picture of our wedding day - but the only one I have in digital format! So now you can see my husband all sexy sportin' a kilt!
Grandpa Mac this is Jourdyn making those praying hands! Know that we are still praying for you!

I also wanted to tell you my Americal Idol favorites! Jourdyn and I are losers! We watch it - not only that but we record it and go back and compare! I know, I know...anyways, we think this year is going to be a guy. Of course, like everyone else we love David Archuletta, however, he's young and we can't wait to see him sing something other than a ballad. Also love David Cook. He's very edgy and unpredictable. He should be quite promising. My ultimate favorite so far is Jason Castro. There is something about his voice and his facial expressions - he is very believable. There are lots of great girls - our favorites, Brooke White, Amanda Overmyer, & Carly Smithson. It is turning out to be a great year! We can't wait to see what happens from here!
This is a video of my grandpa - it was taken in August 2004 at the Nuzum Family Reunion in West Virginia!
Thanks for the video - it'll make me smile for years to come! I love that old guy!
Sharon, I love the halloween picture. That seems like forever ago. Hey! Rob love the kilt. Chuck said "nice legs"
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