Tuesday we got up and took the younger kids over to vote with us! We like to involve them in the process to instill in them the necessity to participate in our government!
Rowan says "when you see a flag, you're supposed to grab it up and wave it!"
It just so happened that the kids had no school that day and Rob was off work. So we decided to head to the Toledo Museum of Art to see the MUMMIES! However, the MUMMIES would have cost us $50 to see them. So we just explored the rest of the museum. The price they are charging for the exhibit is astronomical and ridiculous! The museum is generally free so I didn't take my purse or anything. But Rob and I decided that we are going to join the Museum instead because it's only a few dollars more and then all the special exhibits are included. (Jourdyn had her friend Becca with us!)

Later that afternoon, Rowan had his very first dentist appointment. He did so well. Nadine was going to go first, and he said "No, I go first!" He climbed up in the chair and was great the whole time. And then he said, "Where's my toothbrush?" He's been watching the girls go for years and has never been able to get his own new toothbrush at the dentist, so he knew it was coming. He then unwrapped it and proceeded to stick it in a decorative fountain that they have in the office. Who knows how long its been since they changed the water! Yuck!!!!